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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Standardized Tests

Are you required to take standardized tests, such as Regents exams? Are you prepared? I feel as though Standardized Tests are very stressful, considering at our school the majority of the count as twenty percent of the overall average you earn in a class. At times, I feel more focused on the test rather than what I am actually learning in a class. Do you feel this way? Not only do I feel that is adds pressure to students, but also to teachers, they are taking valuable class time away to prepare for these exams, when a good number of the students don't remember anything about the subject by the end of the summer vacation. Let me know how you feel! -Kat

Is it Time For College Already?

Are you ready to leave home for college? Personally, I couldn't wait to graduate from High School, now I would take it all back. Thinking of leaving home, for at least four years, and be 100% on my own is a very scary thought. Along with all the decisions...Should I stay near by? Or should I go explore the world? Do you think you are ready to go away? If so, Where? -Kat